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Liliia Kravtsova
Liliia Kravtsova attended National University Odesa Law Academy Master’s degree in Law. In 2018 she started a Ph.D. program at Odesa State University of Internal Affairs. Liliia’s Dissertation topic was «Another person whose rights or legitimate interests are limited during the pre-trial investigation as a participant in criminal proceedings». Liliia is a licensed and accredited Ukrainian attorney, and moreover a member in good standing of the Ukrainian National Bar Association.
With over 5 years of experience, she actively practiced civil, contract, and immigration law in Ukraine. Liliia has successfully represented her clients in various Ukrainian courts.
Liliia is an accomplished and published author of scientific and journalistic articles on various legal problems and social issues, including:
Kravstova, L. “Certain aspects of the participation of another person whose rights and legitimate interests are limited in the pre-trial investigation in the process of proving in the criminal proceedings of Ukraine.” Proceedings of the First International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ensuring law and order and combating crime in Ukraine and in the world: problems and solutions, 2021, pg. 131-133. https://dgu.edu.ua/files/images/pages/other/mnpz/300721.pdf
Zhovtan, P., Kravtsova, L. “Exercise of individual rights of another person, the rights or legal interests of which are restricted during the pre-trial investigation.” South Ukrainian Law Journal,
Organizational and legal aspects of pre-trial investigation, 2020. http://www.sulj.oduvs.od.ua/archive/2020/4/45.pdf
Kravtsova, L. “Certain issues of realization of the rights of another person whose rights or legitimate interests are limited during the pre-trial investigation with temporary access to things and documents.” Ukraine Center of Financial-Economic Research, Strategic Priorities for the Development of the Economy, Finance, and Law Development in Ukraine and the World, 2019, pg. 54-56. http://www.economics.in.ua/2019/10/6.html
“How the register of pedophiles works in Ukraine and who can access it.” Channel 24. Dec 2 2021. https://24tv.ua/tse-lyudi-yakih-diti-znayut-yak-pratsyuye-reyestr-golovni-novini_n1806752
“Reading books as a punishment for theft – how books can change a thief.” Law Herald of Ukraine, Nov 1 2021. https://yvu.com.ua/chytannya-knyzhok-yak-pokarannya-za-kradizhku-yak-vyrok-mozhe-nasprav di-zminyty-zlodiya/
“Save yourself: how we can help victims of domestic violence in Kyiv.” Channel 24. Sept 7 2021.
https://24tv.ua/ru/spasti-sebja-realno-li-pomoch-zhertvam-domashnego-gorjachie-novosti_n17229 79
“Experts told us how to avoid scams when working abroad.” Channel 24, Feb 17 2021. https://24tv.ua/ru/rabota-za-granicej-prestupniki-sovershenstvujut-poslednie-novosti_n1545098
In her free time, Liliia enjoys skiing and ice skating. She also enjoys spending time reading scientific and legal literature.