Understanding Your Right to Protest as an Immigrant in the U.S. – Immigration Attorneys in Philadelphia, PA

immigration attorneys philadelphia pa

As an Immigrant in the US, you may wonder whether you have the right to participate in peaceful protests. As full-service immigration attorneys in Philadelphia, PA, Voloshen Law frequently gets this question, and our happy response is YES! Thanks to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, you have freedom of speech. This means you can partake in marches, protests, and demonstrations focused on matters that matter to you.

Right to Protest Legal Issues:

The right to air your beliefs and opinions is part of free speech. However, you need to follow regulations as stipulated by your town or state to avoid legal consequences. Find out where the protest happens (its boundaries), any permits required, and any other items that, if not obeyed, could impact your immigration status. 

It’s rare that you need a permit to gather in public spaces. But every region is different. Find out about the ordinances and ask the event coordinator about any other necessities. Know before you go!

Should you encounter difficulties as a result of your protest actions, look to Voloshen Law. We can give you the tools you need to protect your rights. You can also reach out to an advocacy organization.

Safety First

It is always a good idea to go into a protest fully informed. Agencies like the ACLU (the American Civil Liberties Union) can give you resources beforehand. Some events, for example, are more likely to become violent. If you have any concerns, speak with the event coordinators or law enforcement. Know your surroundings. Avoid signs of escalating confrontations. 

Tuck important contact numbers into your wallet. Include your partner (if applicable), someone who can help with bail, and, of course, your attorney. It never hurts to prepare. No one wants conflict, but sometimes it happens before you adequately respond. 

What if?

There is always the chance that things happen that you cannot control. Protests are often passionate, and people against that particular cause may come in and rile things up. In this case, create a document explaining everything that happened. This includes the date, time, place, and any legal authorities involved. Provide this to your counsel, like Voloshen Law, and request a consultation about your next steps.

The Voloshen Law Difference

The immigration process is complex, and you don’t want anything to hinder your progress. Having said that, there’s no reason to sit on the sidelines of a cause. That’s where Voloshen Law comes into the picture. Our team zealously advocates for your rights. We are a reliable full-service practice in Huntingdon Valley, PA, (extending into New Jersey) offering personalized assistance. Your circumstances are unique, so our efforts are not “cookie-cutter.” If you are thinking of participating in a protest and have concerns, give us a call to discuss the best way to protect your rights.

We have an online form you can use to share the situation. Or, you can call our Buck’s County office at 215-437-7854


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